HackAddict Bio By Fuzebox Welcome to the first installment of the HackAddict Bio! (No, this is not ripping off Phrack, a biography is a common thing to do.) So anyway, in this first issue, we will be interviewing none other than The Weasel himself, keeper of the Hackintosh Faith. So, let the games begin... Approximate age: 20 Home: Chicago, IL Occupation: Student Hobbies (Other than computing): Playing soccer, being with my girlfriend. Computing Interests/Skills: Computer security, web design, software engineering. What kind of computer do you have? Power Mac 7600/132, Mac IIcx, Mac LCIII, DuoDock 230, and a Packard Bell 200mhz Penitum. Ok, now it’s about time for a story. What does your handle symbolize? The weasel and others in it's family (stoat, ferret, etc) are clever, slippery animals that cannot easily be caught by hunters, feds, etc. I thought it was appropriate at the time. Another (perhaps longer) story. How did you get started in hacking? I got my first modem when I was in 7th grade. (A nice new 2400 baud modem...Oh my gosh!) After dialing into the usual BBS for about a year (AMUG was cool) a friend gave me the number to an underground BBS. I then started hanging out on oleBuzzard's board (I used to live in Colorado...A nice local call) and met a bunch of the old school guys. I started hacking with them for fun...To get a kick. Any idols, figures you look up to, etc? Well, my main idol has to be Michael Jordan. MJ is simply the best at what he does and is a nice guy (or seems to be, at least) while he goes on being the best. Who doesn't want to be the best at what they do? What is your opinion on Microsoft/Bill Gates/Windoze? Bill Gates is simply a successful businessman who has done very well for himself. (To put it mildly) No, I don't like him as a person, but not because he runs the evil empire, just because I think he is a jerk. The MacOS is an infinately superior computer and it is a shame the world is run by Windows. NT has a few features I'd love to see in Rhapsody, but all around, I'd take the MacOS 6 days a week and twice on Sunday. And for the final question.... (drumroll please!) What can you say has been your single greatest achievement in the Hackintosh world? (Be honest & modest now...) Heh, well...Not many people know this, but right before I started my web site, I was considering retiring from the Hackintosh community. But then I decided to start a web site that would give newbies and people who want to learn, a forum where they could learn and ask questions. I mean, yes, I could have stayed with my little "elite group" and called everyone else a "lamer", but I still remember what it was like when I was a newbie. It was hard to find alot of good info in one place. So my greatest achievement isn't so much the great hacking jobs I've done over the years, but the fact that I've been able to provide a resource to all those aspiring hackers out there. Well thanks for that, TW. For interviewee nominations or question suggestions please email me. Thanks! -fuzebox@cyberdude.com